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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a science project, it's a plane, it's a pigeon on Jalapeno pepper, no! It's a mirage...

Some misadvised media folks suggested that the rocket which launch was observed yesterday on the West coast, might have been a plane. They may have tried to help the Pentagon in its mission of disinformation, however, the video shot by the news helicopter undoubtedly showed a rocket, a big rocket; definitely not a sparrow or a Cessna.
Hopefully the government is lying to us; because if it is not, we have some serious reason to be very concerned. If it was a launch planned by our fleet, I would be curious to know why the navy would plan a launch so close to our coast; particularly if it was a secret mission.
If a non-government entity can launch a rocket of this size, 30 miles from our coast, and 2 days later, the Pentagon, is still wondering as to what it was, then we are in serious danger, and our defense department better be revamped.
(The Department of Defense cost us 1.5 trillion in 2009, according to
Wanna save some trillions? Just ask the news helicopters to keep an eye on the borders and the coastlines for us, just like Sarah Palin does.
Wanna save more money, dissolve the Department of Defense, and equip the news helicopters with shotguns.
Disinformation is sometimes necessary, but it can be done intelligently. Whatever it was, just call it a “Missile Secret Exercise;” as this time, I really hope the Government is lying to us when the Pentagon tells us it is not knowing what it was…

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