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Friday, January 14, 2011

Here is a new idea: investigate first, arrest later (if it is warranted)

In Brevard, we had Preston and Harrass II, his wonder dog until Judge Gilbert Goshorn ordered the dog to perform a basic tracking test after Preston claimed the dog had alerted to a suspect’s scent at a crime scene six months after the murder. Understandably, the dog failed, Preston was finally discredited and innocent people who had spent many years in prison were released. In South Florida, they have Dr. Melinda Merck, a different animal; Merck is director of veterinary forensic sciences for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. She also co-founded a veterinary forensic science training program -- dubbed "Animal CSI'' -- at UF. The veterinarian expert extraordinaire appears to specialize in the manufacturing of State evidence from scratch. As to CSI, her claimed expertise will likely be restricted to be used in TV shows, as her credibility in court is shot. In both cases, one smells a rat.
In June 2009 an innocent man, 18 year old Tyler Weinman, was accused of, arrested for, and charged with 19 felony counts for the alleged cruel killing of cats. The case was based upon Merck’s findings that a "crime" had been committed. The arrest and the charges were supported by Merck’s shoddy necropsy findings. Tyler Weinman was quickly libeled as the “South Florida cat-killer” by the media and the cops. He was eventually released on an offensively high bond which could only have been set so high for political reasons, by a judge who was likely pressured by the media as he was relying upon Merck’s phony data. Eventually real experts in the field determined that the information provided by Merck was baseless. These experts’ findings revealed that the cats had been killed by other larger animals, likely dogs, as revealed by the puncture wounds consistent with bite marks from large predators. It was Merck’s failure to peal the skin of the cats (necropsy 101), which resulted in her failed diagnosis.
Merck, in providing the sloppy necropsy analysis, destroyed an innocent young man’s life. Was it incompetence, laziness, malice or recklessness? or did the narcissistic queen veterinarian expert had some sickly hidden agenda?
One would think that after such a stunt, her credibility would be at best questionable. The Dade county State Attorney’s office did not think so!
As if IT was not enough, a few weeks later as the judicial system had barely buried Merck’s pussy case, the latter then claimed to have found some severe vaginitis in Christie Brinkley, a two and a half year old Great Dane. Merck determined that Christie’s little flower showed unusual stress, stress which could only have been inflicted by her deranged master. Even further, she claimed that human semen was found in Christie’s urine. And here we go again, the concept of the complicated timeline: investigate first, then arrest if warranted, seem to escape some cops and some prosecutors. Let’s act first and think later! Let’s destroy another citizen’s life. Once again, based upon Merck’s findings, innocent victim number 2, Armand Pacher, is arrested and charged with some serious felony which could have landed him in prison for five years. Thankfully, he had the financial means to retain counsel and pay for six experts who ripped apart, once more, Merck’s findings. Here again, the State had no choice but to drop the case. The prosecutor, Michael Von Zamft, did not even have the balls to acknowledge that the case could not be prosecuted because the State had relied on erroneous information provided by the same useless so-called expert: Merck. Von Zamft wrote in his final memo: “The state's decision to [drop] the case is based upon the lack of presently available physical evidence, and not on any concerns that Dr. Melinda Merck was either incorrect or exploitative.” Michael, cut your bullshit, honesty is a better policy.
We can only hope that these two victims of the State and the police will be made as close to whole as possible in successfully suing these irresponsible accusers. Sadly enough, it is their only recourse, as their name is now soiled forever.

1 comment:

  1. Score one for Diogenese.

    He's been looking for an "honest man" for a long, long, long time. His error was expecting to find one in the halls of "Justice", of all places, or on the turf of veterinary fame and fortune seekers.

    In any case, seems he found what he was looking for in you. Thank you Patrick for bringing this to light.
