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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How does Dan Crews' torture likely benefit some medical professionals?

Dan Crews was involved in a car accident when he was 3 years old. Since then, and for the past 24 years, he has had his arms and legs strapped down 24 hours a day, seven days a week and he cannot do anything about it, nor can he go anywhere. Because his diaphragm is paralyzed, he is hooked up to a mechanical ventilator connected to his throat. That machine breathes for him.  He does not want to live like this any longer as he feels he has no friends, no education, no education prospect, no job prospect, and no love prospect.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled a decade ago that a person can refuse medical treatment -- provided that person is competent.
Now, the grabsurd  (I just coined this one, it is a combination of greed and absurdity): “The head psychiatrist at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa says Dan is depressed, and that depression overrides his ability to make a life or death decision.” While Dan’s position is that he is not depressed -- "no more than the average person in my position."
Just allow me a little rawness for a second: Who the fuck would not be depressed if in Dan Crews’ position? Does it take a “head of psychiatry” to come up with this brilliant clinical finding?
Here are the few questions I would love to pose to the good doctor, would I be the judge in this matter:
1.      How much money Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa has received for the care of Dan Crews since he was first flown there 24 years ago?
2.      How much money have you received from Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa, in the past 24 years.
3.      Don’t you find a conflict, when your diagnosis of Dan Crews (which diagnosis precludes Dan from ending his life of torture) directly affects your business income?
4.      and finally: How do you feel, as a human being with all the physical faculties to fully enjoy life, when you refuse to let a quadriplegic leave with dignity, but you instead force him to continue enduring his living nightmare?

          We, the pretentious animals who tolerate this type of non sense, would like to pretend that we live in a developed and humane society. Is there ANYTHING we can do to help Dan go with dignity?

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