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Friday, November 5, 2010

According to Florida Today, the nonprofit Wuesthoff Health Systems was sold for $145 million to a for profit group; Health Management Associate, Inc. 
 Lawyers for Wuesthoff allegedly submitted details of the severance packages to the Florida Attorney General. Florida Today requested the records revealing the details.
One of Attorney General Bill McCollum’s assistant has been negotiating with Wuesthoff’ s lawyers to decide if said records should remain hidden from the public. The only logical reason for such sneaky behavior is that the amounts of these severance packages must be obscenely outrageous.
Instead of the requested information, Florida Today received a redacted worthless 40 page PDF file with names and amounts blacked out.
Now the funny part:
"Certain financial data in the documents has been identified as trade secret protected information and redacted pursuant to Section 815.045, Florida Statutes (2010)”
In other words, it appears that the Attorney General, in cahoots with Wuesthoff Health Systems’ lawyers has decided to hide from the public the likely golden parachutes distributed to Wuesthoff executives, under the pathetic disguise that these numbers are trade secrets. Do they really consider that the public is that stupid to buy their bullshit?  

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