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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is WikiLeaks the problem, or our American traitors?

I just read that “The Obama administration has told whistleblower WikiLeaks that its expected imminent release of classified State Department cables will put "countless" lives at risk, threaten global counterterrorism operations and jeopardize U.S. relations with its allies.”
But is WikiLeaks the real problem? We don’t hear about WikiLeaks releasing classified information from Iran, North Korea, Russia or Israel… Isn’t WikiLeaks some scapegoat?
Isn’t the real problem the American folks with secret clearance who should not have it, who commit theft, then treason? Do we place too much trust in the wrong people, or is it that our country that has more of its citizens in prison than any other country has a hard time organizing its law enforcement priorities?
Why blame WikiLeaks? Why not find the American government employees who steal and release the confidential information, and hang them like we used to do with traitors. Some may find it harsh, but let’s think for a moment. What should be done to those specially entrusted citizen who unlawfully distribute confidential material, when they know that its distribution, may endanger the lives of our citizens…
And these leaks did not always originated from the little guys…

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