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Monday, December 20, 2010

Could we get some more government censure pretty please!

After I started analyzing and researching the likely impact caused by the primal actions taken by Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, I just came across the following link. I was hungry for some food for thoughts… on a topic that will not die quickly… 
If you let anyone's freedom of expression be muzzled, be certain that yours will be next. 
The debate will be difficult because the mob will try to manipulate it in making "pedophilia" the issue, and pedophilia is a disturbing subject. When in fact, only small minds or political manipulative pricks like Judd, will argue that pedophilia is the issue, when it is not. The only issue in this new debate is “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION,” and the government's attempt to muzzle it.
If the people reject the mob's attempt to misguide them away from the actual subject, and can focus on the real topic: “the freedom to express oneself,” we may have a chance. The problem is that some folks, unintelligent or easily manipulated, won’t have the ability to grasp this very simple and easy concept.
Now, the link:
“As long as humans have sought to communicate, others have sought to prevent them. Every day someone tries to restrict or control what can be said, written, sung, or broadcast. Almost every idea ever thought has proved objectionable to one person or another, and almost everyone has sometimes felt the world would be a better place if only "so and so" would go away.
Perhaps because of their ubiquity, books, especially public and school library books are among the most visible targets. Books are hardly the only target of would-be censors, however. Free expression is constantly challenged in the arts, in broadcast media, and on the Internet.”

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