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Thursday, December 9, 2010

US: Let's destroy Assange... through malicious prosecution.

Anna Ardin

The transfer of the secret documents stolen by Private Bradley Manning from the US Department to Wikileaks, and their release by the latter had tremendous benefits to the US Government which appears to have been much overlooked.
First and foremost, it revealed the lousy security protections which were in place for such documents alleged to be so secret. Second, it informed us that secret documents had been stolen, and which they were. Imagine for a moment that instead, Manning would have discretely sold these documents to enemy nations, N. Korea, Iran or many others. Imagine the immense cost of the intelligence it would have taken to try understanding the origin of said info, if these enemy nations used or somehow selectively released information to hurt us. Third, it shows our inability to assume our responsibilities. It shows that our people are trained to displace responsibilities as much as they can.
This incredible fuckup is not Assange’s! The source of this quagmire is the incompetence of our Defense Department to protect its data alleged to be top secret from a petty thief.
Now, to add insult to injury, in its continued effort to displace the blame, our government pressured Sweden to try reopen and prosecute two manufactured sex cases which had already be dumped by a Swedish prosecutor for good reasons. Is that how our justice system works? If and when we cannot “engage the target,” we have them destroyed though malicious prosecution.
The case was reopened by Marianne Ny. Ny’s statement that “there is reason to believe that a crime has been committed. Considering information available at present, my judgment is that the classification of the crime is rape,” can only be the figment of a mind purposely distorted by some cerebral masturbation, and repulsively misguided by political pressure.
The Times article below reveals the details of the sexual encounters, which Marianne Ny, whose political or other ambition is visibly more important than her ethical duties, considers rape…
The two Swedish women who have brought sex charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange boasted about their relationship with him days before going to police.
Based on information available on various websites quoting police and court files, and reports in the Swedish media, here's an account of what happened.
The story goes back to August this year, when Assange was in Stockholm to speak at the invitation of Sweden's Social Democratic Party.
The event organizer was 31-year-old Anna Ardin, press secretary of the Brotherhood Movement, which is an adjunct of the Social Democratic Party. Ardin, who has been described as a feminist, leftist and animal rights activist, previously worked at the Uppsala University, handling equality issues for the students' union. (After pressing charges against Assange, she has been called a "CIA agent" on various blogs and Twitter. The internet is abuzz with conspiracy theories on how Assange was framed. Speculation about her ties to CIA is being fuelled by her alleged association with anti-Castro groups funded by the US.)
When Assange arrived in Stockholm on August 11, Ardin invited him to stay at her flat while she visited her family for a few days out in the country. Ardin returned home on August 13; she and Assange had sex that night. Both have admitted a condom was used and it broke. On August 20, Ardin would go to police alleging that Assange deliberately broke the condom during sex.
Ardin's co-accuser, 26-year-old Sofia Wilen, an aspiring photographer, had sex with Assange on the evening of August 16 and again the following morning. The first time, a condom was used; the second time, there was no condom. On August 20, Wilen would go to police alleging that Assange had refused to wear a condom.
Assange insists that the sex with both women was consensual. After the sexual encounters, neither woman seemed to harbour any resentment against Assange. One of Assange's lawyers has been quoted as saying: "The exact content of Wilen's mobile phone texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Neither Wilen's nor Ardin's texts complain of rape."
On August 14, the day following the night of "crime", Assange delivered a 90-minute speech about how the first casualty of war is truth. Ardin was in attendance (as was Wilen) but showed no signs of the previous night's "trauma". The two women can be seen in a video of the conference. At 2 o'clock that night, while hosting a party in Assange's honour at her flat, Ardin tweeted: "Sitting outside; nearly freezing; with the world's coolest people; it's pretty amazing."
After going to police on August 20, she deleted the tweet. The post deleted from annaardin.bloggy.se and twitter.com/annaardin can still be seen on http://www.samtycke.nu/doc/AnnaArdin_cache19aug.htm.
After sex with Assange on the morning of August 17, Wilen went out, and bought, then cooked breakfast – oatmeal and juice.
On August 18, Wilen called up Ardin and told her that she had unprotected sex with Assange. She said she was upset he didn't use a condom and was afraid she might have contracted an STD or become pregnant. Ardin said she too had sex with Assange. On August 20, both women filed charges against him.
And an obscure Swedish law was invoked. It is sometimes called the "surprise sex" law. In essence, it holds that if a woman withdraws her consent at any point during intercourse, and the man continues, it becomes rape. This transition from consensual to non-consensual sex is what Assange is accused of. All this will have to be proved in the court — a Swedish one.
One thing, however, is certain: the word "rape" has come to stick to Assange's name and his creation, WikiLeaks. A Google search for "wikileaks rape" returns 3.09 million results. But will this association deliver a blow to the idea that is WikiLeaks?
Just a day after the two women went to police to file charges against Assange, Nicholas John Mead, a British freelance journalist, wrote on his blog : "Whether this is an orchestrated smear campaign, just two very silly girls, or a genuine case of rape and harassment, the fact is that WikiLeaks is bigger than Assange as he I'm sure would be the first to admit. It, and other projects like it, cannot be stopped."

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