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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What happened to the lawsuit involving the negative feedback left on EBay?

Remember Elliot L. Miller, the scumbag attorney from Miami Beach who filed a lawsuit against Michael Steadman? Miller had sold on EBay a time clock alleged to be defective. When he refused to refund Steadman, Steadman left a negative comment on EBay to the effect that Miller was a “Bad seller; he has the ethics of a used car salesman,” which is, in fact, insulting to used car salesmen.
I find this type of lawsuit so very offensive and would love to see a jury award a large amount to the defendant in the suit, had a valid counterclaim been filed. I bet that any jury would very much dislike the abject plaintiff, Miller, and punish him for what I find to be a clear abuse of process.
Miller probably knows that, and the purpose of his suit was likely solely to punish financially Steadman in forcing him into an expensive legal battle he could not afford. He somewhat succeeded, until a Brevard attorney, Tony Hernandez decided to help Steadman pro-bono. (I would have helped him if the case was in Brevard).
Now, since Tony filed his notice of appearance, in May, 7 months ago, it appears that the case has not evolved much, which seems to confirm my belief that Miller’s purpose is now defeated.
I really wish that this case would result in some serious financial penalty to the despicable lawyer; it would have been the cherry on top of all the bad publicity Miller has already received by a rightly incensed public.

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