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Sunday, December 12, 2010


Since Assange is in jail for manufactured crimes he did not commit, and it appears that he will be maliciously prosecuted in Sweden for said crimes, it is time for Lisbeth, the “Girl with the dragon tattoo,” to hack into the computer of Claes Gustaf Borgström or is it Pinocchio, the longtime politician who now practices law with Social Democratic politician and former Minister for Justice Thomas Bodström. It would be interesting to find out the real reasons as to why he is representing the two snakes who accused Assange of rape.
Puppet Borgström dismissed as nonsensical the suggestion made by Assange, WikiLeaks supporters and many others, that the sex investigation in Sweden was somehow related to “dirty tricks” launched against him and the whistle-blowing Web site by their antagonists in the CIA, the Pentagon, or elsewhere in the U.S. government. 
I have reviewed the allegations made by the two Swedish drama queens in dire need of attention. Their agenda is very disturbing because the media broadcast of their stories is helping develop a distorted view and understanding of what is criminal sexual behavior, to the young, developing or wandering minds. It further damages all real sexual battery cases and victims in giving the public and potential jurors a diminished sense of the severity of traumas associated with a real rapes.
Now, as to their corrupt politician, lawyer Claes Gustaf Borgström, I have no doubt that his real clients are not Ms. A and Ms. W as they are now called in the media. (Let’s make sure their privacy rights are protected while they are maliciously trying to assassinate Assange’s character.)
"It has been very interesting (predictable?)," sighs Feminist blogger Terri Whitehouse, "to see how quickly people who would normally be feminist allies have been pretty quick to slut-shame and victim-blame (or, at best, victim-dismiss), while people who have demonstrably proven to be enemies of women's bodily autonomy in the past so suddenly seem to give a shit about a few sexual assaults across the world."

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